Triumph Over COVID

Triumph Over COVID

Abundance is defined as “the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something” or “plentifulness of the good things of life: prosperity”.    The massive havoc of the pandemic causes us to shrink in the face of human frailty, morbidity, and mortality rather...
Family and Medicine Can Gracefully Coexist

Family and Medicine Can Gracefully Coexist

When my medical career was in its infancy, providing for my family after divorce meant moonlighting in addition to working full time hours.  Although it was my decision, I was torn between my children and my work. Time in the hospital meant missing out on watching...
Success In Medicine Is a Team Endeavor

Success In Medicine Is a Team Endeavor

Do you discount the value of your team? I’ve done it and maybe you have too.  But our ability to shift from surviving and striving in medicine to thriving in medicine comes with receiving the support, inspiration and brainstorming from the teams we have in our life...